Student instructions
New to Classwk? Start here.
Step 1. Print this document.
- It will make a good check list.
Step 2. Get the access code.
- Get the "class access code" from your instructor or classmates. You will use it below in step 4.
Step 3. Create an account.
- Create an account by clicking
here or going to
You need only one account for all your classes, even classes in different semesters.
Step 4. Register in the class.
- Have the access code ready from step 2.
- Have the account name and password ready from step 3.
- Login at
- Register yourself in the class.
Step 5. Doing homework.
- The computer gives due dates by Central Time. If you live on the West Coast subtract two hours. If you live
on the East Coast, add one hour. Example: I live in Calif. The computer says due date = tomorrow at 8pm. My clock will
say 6pm.
- Login and download the first homework, using section B of the menu.
- Read the instructions for submitting your answers. Either click
here, or go to
- Mark your calendar to check your grades regularly throughout the semester -- once a week might be optimal.
This will ensure that you are submitting your answers properly.
Step 6. Help Desk.
- Click here to report trouble, or use the "Help" link on the login page.